Due to the bad weather on Sunday, the start of the training round has shifted to the sunny Wednesday on the 8th of May. The weather was plesent so we used this day, although we originally planned the round to be during the club training camp.
The start was again in Sereď at the square, from where in entarage of the accompanying car and a group of about 12 cyclists we continued to Hlohovec, where we were waiting for another group of cyclists from the surrounding towns.
This time the composition of the peloton was different and also the cyclists from the elite club Spartak Tlmače and also the Cycling club Senec were involved - they immediately occupied 2 winners’ positions. Silver and bronze medals went to Ján Loki and Martin Vrbjar. The first place was taken again by Patrik Zavadil of Hlohovec.
In addition, we presented another special prize - €15 fuel vouchers from our premium partner Oliva group to the winner of the competition Štefan Gálik of Trnava, who has taken part in the survey and voted for a new training ride date. More info in this video. :-)
Just ahead of us is just a rehearsal in the form of the 14th DHL Sereďmarathon on Sunday - you can find more info in this link.
You can see the whole gallery via this link.
Cycling club
OZ Cyklisti z okolia Hlohovca
OZ Mam rad cyklistiku
SK Cyklo-Tour Sered
Dom kultury, Skolska 1
Sered, 92601, Slovakia
ICO: 37838784
IBAN: SK9809000000000201755426